Sunday, August 31, 2014

Rigorous Honesty

I did not realize, when first read this line, that it meant that I had to learn to be more honest with myself.  That it meant learning how to dig deeper, to peal away the layers of lies I have told myself and my loves.  I had long lost that skin that separates you from me. I lost myself long ago.  I could reframe, deny or simply ignore what stared me straight in the face every day.

I really thought that it meant that I had to not lie to you. I could do that, when I needed to.  I knew when I lied, just figured it was none of your business. Lying to others is really not that big a problem. It is lying to myself that is the problem.

So, here are a few things I have learned along the way. These are what I believe are the basics to recovery.  Recovery from mental illness and recovery from dependency. Most of it I have learned through the grace of my wonderful, courageous and generous patients.  And, some of it I earned from my own pain and egregious ego, and from those few moments of enlightenment.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Co Dependency

Never do for the person in recovery, what she can do for herself.